
English Name: 
Saki Monkeys and Uakari

<div class="tree_txt_unlinked"><p>This subfamily contains three genera: <em>Pithecia</em> (the sakis), <em>Chiropotes</em> (bearded saki), and <em>Cacajao</em>
(uakaries). They range only throughout the Amazonia and parts of the
Guianas. These medium-sized neotropical primates are characterized by
distinct dental specializations for processing fruits and seeds encased
in tough coverings, including large procumbent incisors, robust canines
and small premolars and molars with low cusps. Cranially, their snout
is slightly prognathic. Behaviorally, this subfamily displays a
fission-fusion social structure, in which individuals or small groups
may break off from the larger group to forage.</p>
<p><strong>Citations</strong>: Fleagle 1999</p>