
English Name: 
Vervet Monkeys

<div class="tree_txt_unlinked"><p>Vervet
monkeys (also known as grivets or green monkeys) are widespread
throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Several distinct species may be
recognized, including: <em>Ch. aethiops</em>, <em>Ch. cynosuros</em>, <em>Ch. djamdjamensis</em>, <em>Ch. pygerythrus</em>, <em>Ch. sabaeus</em>, and <em>Ch. tantalus</em>.
They are semi-terrestrial quadrupeds, and inhabit both gallery forests
and open savannah. Vervets eat a large variety of foods, including
fruits, gums, shoots, and some invertebrates. Socially, vervets reside
in large multi-male multi-female troops.</p>
<p><strong>Citations</strong>: Fleagle 1999</p>