
English Name: 

<div class="tree_txt_unlinked"><p>Madagascar
separated from mainland African approximately 100 Ma, resulting in the
evolution of a diverse group of primates known as Lemurs, or Lemuroidea.
This superfamily contains five families: Daubentoniidae, Indriidae,
Lepilemuridae, Cheirogaleidae, and Lemuridae. All are found only in
Madagascar where they remained relatively undisturbed by human activity
until approximately 2000 years ago. Currently, the youngest known lemur
fossil dates to only about 1000 years ago. Lemurs all have an unfused
mandibular symphysis, a tooth comb, a grooming claw on the second digit,
and a bicornuate uterus.</p>
<p><strong>Citations</strong>: Fleagle 1999</p>