
English Name: 
Greater Galagos

<div class="tree_txt_unlinked"><p>There are at least two recognized species of <em>Otolemur</em>, or Thick-tailed bushbabies: <em>O. crassicaudatus</em> and <em>O. garnettii</em>,
found in eastern and southern Africa, and east Africa respectively. As
their name suggests, they are the largest bodied bushbabies who are
distinguished by their long ears and long tails. The elongated ankle
bones and longer hindlimbs than forelimbs are slightly reduced in <em>Otolemur</em>
than in other galagos, whose primary form of locomotion is quadrupedal
walking and running, with some leaping. They tend to reside in forest
habitats where they feed on fruits and gums. <em>Otolemur</em> shows significant sexual dimorphism.</p>
<p><strong>Citations</strong>: Fleagle 1999</p>